
Darknessretreat Booking EN

Darknessretreat Booking Details

Please reload the page if you want to adjust the date so that the calculation works correctly. Only a confirmed booking on our part is mandatory.

Choose your extras (optional)

You can enter the number of days for each extra, if you want to have certain extras only once or on several days.

Here you can now freely divide up the nights in the light that you selected in the previous step.

Choose your massage upgrade (optional)

You can enter the number of days for each extra if you would like to have certain extras only once or on several days.

Contact Details

Your information


Frequently asked questions about the dark retreat

How much does a dark retreat cost?

The cost of a dark retreat depends on how long you would like to stay.
The price is 127 €/night.
There is a one-time-charge of €79 for the final cleaning.

What does the catering look like and how much does it cost?

As you don’t move much during the dark retreat, your body doesn’t need much food at this time. For this reason we offer simple food by preparing fresh smoothies daily according to your wishes. The price of 28.5€/day includes 3 smoothies, which are drunk in the morning, at noon and in the evening. We also offer different types of tea if required. This costs 9,50 €/ day for a freshly made pot.

What about overnight stays at the light and how much do they cost?

As various guests would like to get in the mood for the retreat beforehand and wind down afterwards, it is possible to spend one night in the light with us on site. Here we charge 59 € per night.

What extras can be booked?

We offer various extras such as sound couch massages, Pandora sessions, aura photos, massages, Tempur mattresses, talks as well as aura consultations.

The prices are as follows:
Normal Massage 60 min. = 110 €
Normal Massage 90 min. = 154 €
Aroma Oil Massage 60 min. = 119 €
Aroma Oil Massage 90 min. = 169 €
Foot Massage 45 min. = 82 €
Singing Bowl Massage 60 min. = 107 €
Pandora Session per 30 min. = 60 €
Tempur mattress per night = 7 €
Aura consultation 30 min. = 90 €
Consultation during dark retreat = 110 €
Aura photo without consultation = 38 €